onsdag den 9. marts 2011

BUNNIES! and so on

Quick random update Usamimi head bands are a huge hit in asia and TADA I have discovered this little precious usamimi headband in H&M, and I was actually surprise to see it there, and I couldn't help but get a little exited by the fact of how this little big hit from japan finally came to DK.

My outfit yesterday was a bit random and I didn't like how my picture turned out to look like . So I deeply apologize for this really bad and random picture, my make is quite simple and lazy, since I was going to work that that. The usamimi headband is a genious, since you can work really can do anything with it. When I got to work I pulled my hair up in a ponytail and wrapped it around the ponytail and it gave me a fresh look compared to if I just had a ponytail (that sounded weird).

Lately I have been watching way to much drama, and I think is has something to do, by the fact that I haven't seen my boyfriend in a while I started by watching itazura na kiss, a very good comedy/romantic anime, and the story line is quite simple:
A young girl tries to confess her love to the smartest and best looking boy at school, by giving him a love note, but he rejects it in front of the whole school. But something unexpected happens, her newly build house crashes down during a lvl 2 earthquake and she is forced to go with her father to live at his childhood friends house. And tada the eldest soon is guess who?! yes you guessed right

It's a very cute story and I can recommend it. The sad part about about this anime is, that the author died unexpectedly before finishing the story. But her husband knew the planned ending, and the anime is the only one to have the actual ending of the story.

There has been a variation of different adaption of this anime. The first one is the original japanese one, but it didn't have the continuing story of the couple.

The tawainese version is called "It started with a kiss" and the second season is called " They kissed again" and I must admit that I haven't seen either of these version yet.

The korean adaption is called "playful kiss" and is starring Kim Hyun Joong (SO HOT!) from SS501 and newcomer Jung So Min (Who looks ALOT like Yoon Eun Hye!!)
 Jung So Min

Yoon Eun Hye
Yoon Eun Hye is one of my favorite actresses/fanshionista, her style is amazing and I can't help but be amazed by how she can get her cute face to look so sexy at the same time. And I loved her in Goong! My favorite K-drama of a lifetime.
I love both of their fashion styles, and yes I am going to copy a little, but look at it, how can you not! They look amazing! and my face is constructed the same way has theirs (round face!) and I since I have a really round face, I  have never felt confident. But ever since I have been tracking K-fashion down over the internet, I have felt more confident and inspired.

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