tirsdag den 5. april 2011

I am such a Nerd... and others stuff

In every way ~hohohoho and I have a confession to make, I am addicted to Tetris on facebook and generally to games that draws me in.... and I watch WAY to much drama series. I am such a nerd... and I joined the nerd machine.com. The website is Zachary Levi's (HUGE FANGIRL) official website, for all the nerds in the world, how amazing is THAT!
All nerds come together, and talk about everything that's nerdy.... and other stuff freely!.
I do have nerdy friends, and I love them all   and the greatest and the biggest girly girly nerd I know beside me is Axel... SHE is such a nerd and she has loads of awesomness (sorry hunni but you are a nerd) and I love how all my friends (girls and guys) can talk about computer games, what we have been nerding lately and stuff like that. The most funny thing about meeting new people IRL and talking casually with them, when suddenly my inner nerd comes out when I hear someone talk about a game. They always end up looking funny at me in a shocking way, and laughing while saying how awesome it is that a girl is gaming, but I must admit I have had a big break for 1½ year were I didn't game that much due to school. but after I meet my boyfriend I have been drawn into the world of THE NERDS again, and I like it, but wow I have realized what a bad loser I am when I play against my boyfriend .

In the weekend I went to attend a Vietnamese traditional event, Gio To Hung Vuong, and my mini job was, first to stand on the stage to the opening ceremony, and the second one was to help Hopy with her models. The dresses were the traditional vietnamese dress called ao dai, that she designed herself, just like she did last year, and they were soo beautiful.

(picture borrowed from Hopy..... such dorks we are)
Anyway it was a long night, with a lot of entertainment and I had very sore feet's after it all ended, and I was so tired! But it was a lot of fun, and it was great to see some of my old friends again.
here was my outfit from the event.
 So sorry about the mess I was on my out the door, and I was running a bit late, so please ignore the mess.
 That's all for now and thank you for reading

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