fredag den 27. april 2012

Random Blogspam beware

So Hello guys, here is some random information about what I have been spending my weekend on.
Last weekend was the big Vietnamese cultural event Giỗ Tổ Hùng Vương, also shorted with the letters GTHV, to make it much easier to pronounce. Either way, it's a big cultural event, where we celebrate our ancestors.
The whole idea of celebrating our ancestors is originally from china, and if you’ve seen the movie Mulan, you know what I mean. I have always loved the idea of celebrating our ancestors, and I think it’s only common sense that we thank them for what they have achieved and done in their life, when they were alive. Because without them, we wouldn’t stand were we are today. So the whole meaning of celebrating our ancestors is a tradition, that I truly hold close to my heart. We also celebrate them for a moment every new year, thanking them for the year that has passed and we gather with our families around the alter to wish for a better year, and that they may protect us from any harm and danger that might come.

                                                      (Young singer, Charlotte Ly)

participated not only has a guest, but I went around selling lottery coupons, with Maria. While Hopy was busy preparing for her amazing fashion show, which I had been looking forward to a whole year!! And I must say I was NOT disappointed at all! I could easily tell that she had matured a lot with her task has an ao dai designer, and I couldn’t be more proud. Here are some pictures from the fashion show, that I took with my big Olympus camera and my HUMOUNGUS! Lense. I was surprised how far I could zoom in when I changed my regular camera lense, with the bigger one. I was sitting quite far away and yet I was able to catch the models faces and the details of their dress and make-up YAY for stalking Camera lense!! Even Hopy was quite surprised, she thought I was sitting quite close to the stage. But because there were so many people I had to sit quite far away from the stage.

                                               (One of my favorite pictures I took that night)
                                            (Linda, My favorite model of all time )

   (Hopy, isn't she a hottie)
The young girls in this picture are the V-Pearls, they had this great idea of mixing different K-pop songs and doing a cover dance for each song that were playing. I thought they did an amazing job, and can you believe that they are only about 12-13 years old?!!

 More pictures can be found on my facebook or on their official facebook site.  

That was all for now, I hope you enjoyed the pictures and will stick around for another blog post soon

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