Yay! I've finally gotten the deserved vacation, I have been graving for to long :)
I can't wait to really relax and feel the warm embrace of summer over me <3

AWESOME NEWS! I have been chosen to be the official fashion writter for Comic Party ^_^ and I can't wait to get started. Comic Party is a crossover of a magasine and mange, so you can read all the manga you want.. and the same time see what's new in the J-fashion world. There will be ALOT of things to the issue! Even Make-Up and hair tutorials ^_^ The issue will only be out in DK the 12 november this year! so be EXITED!! <3

Now to the fun part :) After my exame I went into the underwear store Change, to get a new pair of underwear o_O and yes i NEED IT... I litttteraaaly grew out of my old ones.... that's all I have to say. Anyway they had this awesome great offer if you're a member (cost nothing) you can buy 2 pairs for 1 price! How great is that?! And I highly recommend girls to go and get themselves measured the correct way. Test has shown that over 60% of all women don't know their actual bra size. I took that for a test a few months ago and thought "oh I know my size".... and I realised I was wrong. I believed that I used a 75C, but NOOoo I am actually a 65DD, and I was suprised and shocked at the same time. But I wanted to put it to the test and go and buy just one bra, to see if it did fit me at all!
BUT wow the change, the bra sat perfectly, and didn't bother me at all, I couldn't even feel that I had it on. ^_^ SO girls go get yourselves meassured you might be wrong about your size.
That's all for today
Blog you later!